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Showing posts from September, 2014

Today, I acknowledge...

Dear God: Today, I acknowledge,  accept and admit  that my life is a God-Job,  and I surrender my life to You. Today, I surrender fear,  doubt, worry, anxiety,  and control.   Today, I acknowledge,  accept and admit  that I cannot fix anyone or anything. Today, I acknowledge,  accept and admit  that I cannot fix, change,  heal or help myself.  Today, I acknowledge,  accept and admit  that I cannot change anyone or anything. Today, I acknowledge,  accept and admit  that I cannot help anyone.  Today, I acknowledge,  accept and admit  that I cannot control anyone or anything.   Today, I acknowledge,  accept and admit  that I cannot heal anyone or anything. I am a God-job. My life is a God-job.  Today, dear God please work on me, in me, through me.   Work on my life, my relation-ships...

My future is so bright, it burns my eyes

First things first. Happy New Month People! We're in the 9th month already! Only three months and we call it a year! What have you achieved so far?  Have you moved ahead or still staggering behind? Have your resolutions been met yet? If not, fear not. We've got three months left, which definitely gives you an opportunity to correct some, if not all wrongs! Counting months, one through to nine is one good miracle from God, don't you agree? I'm grateful for his Mercies, Grace, protection and provision so far. He still rules my world and that makes me hopeful for wonderful 3 months ahead. Same case with you I hope? I came across this wonderful  post by Ms. Terina Allen   in LinkedIn yesterday and i thought it'd be awesome if ya'll read it. It ignited a spirit i never thought existed in me..and that, my wonderful readers remains a secret. You guys should join this site, it's not all corporate world-ish as i initially thought and I'm really loving it. So...