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Showing posts from February, 2015

Special people

So I kind of gave up on blogging because I’ve been so busy living life and seriously had no motivation to put anything up here. On second thought, I think ‘giving up’ isn’t the right word to use. Let’s just say my blogging-self hasn’t been alive lately…other life ‘struggles’ took priority. Happy New Year btw! (aki I just had to procrastinate this phrase – for the sake of the new year, 1 st post). Sasa sometime last year as I was going through Sauti Sols' Kukaliwa Chapati posts, I came across this wonderful comment by I’m-really-sorry-i-forgot-the-name. I read it severally and was very much intrigued at what message it passed across to me and to those who read it. Kama kawa, Ctrl+C na V ikafanya kazi…straight to my drafts! I’ve been meaning to share it but...time! Commitments!..waaah zimenikaba hapa na pale! Lakini leo nimesema lazima blog ifanyiwe justice! I didn’t quite know what title to assign the post but ‘special people…’ will do for now. Enjoy the ‘fb co...