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Showing posts from April, 2015

She smiles...

Sitting at her desk, she lacks much to indulge in. She's had much to do today. She hopes that the day ends quickly for her to go get a long nap, a nap because she craves for a vacation; where work related things are non-existent. She needs a rest. She looks at the clock on the wall...twenty minutes to time, time to check out for the day. She smiles. Her 'afro' is in place, neatly styled with the ankara headband she made on her own two weeks ago. She's beautiful. The silent gentle 'breeze' from the grey fan hanging across where she sits caresses her face...she's loving the fresh air. She smiles. Waiting for 'home time', she delves into the net, looking for something to take her mind off situations and negative energy she came across over the past few days...she finds this. She smiles. "Not everyone’s gonna be nice but you don’t have to be bitter yourself. As much as you want to live in a perfect world, you will always com...