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Showing posts from November, 2015

Still I Rise....

Maya Angelou, 1928 - 2014 You may write me down in history  With your bitter, twisted lies,  You may trod me in the very dirt  But still, like dust, I’ll rise.  Does my sassiness upset you?  Why are you beset with gloom?  ‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells  Pumping in my living room.  Just like moons and like suns,  With the certainty of tides,  Just like hopes springing high,  Still I’ll rise.  Did you want to see me broken?  Bowed head and lowered eyes?  Shoulders falling down like teardrops,  Weakened by my soulful cries?  Does my haughtiness offend you?  Don’t you take it awful hard  ‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines  Diggin’ in my own backyard.  You may shoot me with your words,  You may cut me with your eyes,  You may kill me with your hatefulness,  But still, like air, I’ll rise.  Does my sexiness upset you?  Does it come as a surprise  That ...

Mentoring kids at HHFL

The idea of starting mentoring sessions at HHFL struck my mind from the day I started the second year into my course at SU. I hold the thought that there’s need for empowerment of all individuals from all walks of life. We all need motivation to thrive and be better versions of ourselves. Strathmore avails a platform where each student, right from the beginning of their respective course, are assigned a mentor. These mentors are dedicated to taking a student through each stage of their university life as they help them transition gracefully into responsible adults who will impact the society in a positive way. I’ve had more than one mentors who have helped me develop into who I am now. They share their experiences with me and make me view life in a totally different light. Mentoring ignites power in an individual; power to do better, power to move a notch higher and power to proceed from step A to step B in one’s life. Mentoring has not only helped me balance school and work, i...