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Showing posts from July, 2016

My Graduation at HHFL

Saturday 2nd July 2016 will remain one extremely special day for me and for my entire HHFL family! We converged at our wonderful and newly spruced HHFL compound to celebrate a great achievement that was not only attained by one 'HHFL alumni' but by efforts from each individual.  HanneHowardFund (HHF) is a Community Based Organization; a hands-on, family-oriented grassroots charity that works directly with vulnerable children and youth in Kenya to help transform their lives an d achieve self-reliance through education, compassionate care and skills training. HHFL has been and is still the most humble abode for many HanneHowardFund Lenana - Kids , myself being a proud beneficiary. It has seen and helped most of us transform into young self-reliant adults and responsible Kenyan citizens too. The first and now self-reliant lot of beneficiaries (otherwise known as the post-secondary group) have taken upon themselves to 'give back' to HHFL in various...