The iconic Dr. Martin Luther King Jr has a variety of things that people occasionally reminisce about him, among those being a section of a speech that he gave in a session with some students, one of my favourites; “We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” We have exactly 19 days to vote in our next Head of State, and with this we also have some major decisions to make as to who we would prefer to be our leaders in the various dockets in the next government. We’re all stoked for this and are really looking forward to seeing what happens come August 8th…or lets say a week after that since nothing’s ever 100% efficient in 3rd world countries and things take too long to be finalized. I was telling a friend the other day how I wished we would not even need to wait for a week to know who takes whichever seat. We just log onto the web and just like we witnessed with the US elections, we get to know who got what and who didn’t. How awesome would that be? We remain ...
"She sought a nest to lay her random thoughts and this space presented itself."