STORY TIME; High School Edition. Hii githeri iko hapa, imeomoka. Ni ya group of schools, where I didn't come from. Lakini here's a tale of what we went through pale high school few years back. I still, to this day, don't understand the logic behind 'kuwekewa mafuta ya taa kwa chakula' back when we were in high school. Do they still do it? Someone please explain to me like a class two baby because that'll help me answer some questions I've carried with me for years. There's one time the school admin decided that the best way to maintain order in the DH (Dining Hall) was to introduce 'Table System', a system whereby all students in the school are divided into groups of 7 or 8, a leader & assistant picked and a table set aside for each group - where they shall, at all times, find their already 'measured' food that's meant to be enough for every group member. Breako/lunch/supper - all considered. The idea sounded great when conveyed ...
"She sought a nest to lay her random thoughts and this space presented itself."