My favorite Kenyan writer and blogger of all time (now author), Jackson Biko of Bikozulu succinctly puts it that everything is a story. He says some are beautifully told; with good beginnings and happy endings, others with sad or complicated endings. Others are told and the audience laughs, others the audience shake their head in angst. 'The reactions of the audience notwithstanding, these stories have to be told.' ~ Bikozulu. Usually when I tell my story to any audience there's one consistent major player who's part in the story cannot be missed. I point with contentment it's contribution in my life. I tell of how they took a chance on me and many others when all seemed lost and transformed our lives. Hanne Howard Fund - Lenana was my home for a decade+. As a young girl in their exceptional care, I learnt the power an empowered girl holds in the society. Hanne Howard ( founder ) herself, together with our program manager, Lucy being at the forefront showing us ...
"She sought a nest to lay her random thoughts and this space presented itself."