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Showing posts from August, 2022


Happy New Month!  How many days to Christmas again? Do we even look forward to Christmas like we did when kids? As we thought about all the good food we’d fill our stomachs with, the long distance traveling by bus ( Otange, et al ) and reunion with cousins we didn’t know were related to us, our parents thought about how they would avail all the necessary resources to make that happen. We are becoming those parents😂.  What a sudden turn of events! 4 months to the end of the year!!! Waaah, we’re done with 2022 already?! Where’s time running to? How’s your progress with your yearly resolutions?... (are you a write-them-down or just-go-with-the-flow kinda person?). Well, whatever your case is I hope that you’re healthy because I feel that tops any resolution you could ever come up with. I wrote mine on this journal I’ve kept for a long time. I was recently looking at those resolutions and maaaaan, things haven't entirely panned out as I’d hoped but the good thing is that, to...