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Showing posts from April, 2014

Motivation 1

Life's been quite busy! its May already! (in two days)... the year isn't young anymore...! What keeps me moving though are some very great quotes i frequently come across around here. Below are some good ones: Life's full of challenges. Even the smallest of things can really affect people mentally....because we're human and we're so delicate. This quote however gives me that strength to just learn to relax in stressful situations...which is something that's always so tough. I always believe that I've come so far to give up at any point...everyone has actually!The journey is never smooth but we manage in between.  To be honest, it's always hard to know how much you're worth until someone takes advantage of you or takes you for granted. When you get to know the potential in you, the beauty that lies within you, the strength you posses, then you'll stop doing things to please others. You'll do things your way. You will make decisi...