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Motivation 1

Life's been quite busy! its May already! (in two days)... the year isn't young anymore...! What keeps me moving though are some very great quotes i frequently come across around here. Below are some good ones:

Life's full of challenges. Even the smallest of things can really affect people mentally....because we're human and we're so delicate. This quote however gives me that strength to just learn to relax in stressful situations...which is something that's always so tough. I always believe that I've come so far to give up at any point...everyone has actually!The journey is never smooth but we manage in between.

 To be honest, it's always hard to know how much you're worth until someone takes advantage of you or takes you for granted.

When you get to know the potential in you, the beauty that lies within you, the strength you posses, then you'll stop doing things to please others. You'll do things your way. You will make decisions that benefit you. You will  care about yourself and make YOU happy. Note that this doesn't mean that you don't think of other people. Sometimes you need to just power your world and be that person you want to be, not what others say you are, not what they want you to be.....your life, your rules..the quote says it all.

Back then.....yes, back then because it's a gone in issue in my life, I was that girl that looked for perfection in everything i touched. I always felt that everything that was done by me had to sparkle...which was almost often not the case. This 'perfection' notion especially affected me when in came to clothing and appearance. At 18, you want to look flawless and you try all you can just to fit perfectly in that brand new pair of pants you bought. I could stay in the house, try as many outfits as i could and not any among the heap impressed me. I always had the excuse that, "This side of this top has a shade i don't like" or "This trouser ain't tight enough" or "People will look at me weirdly" or "What will people think of this dress" or even "My body isn't perfect for stomach is bigger legs are too fat...bla bla"

One thing evident in all that was insecurity and lack of appreciation for who i was and what i had. It never occurred to me that perfection is a disease and that what was in me, that potential, that imperfect body, those fat legs, that stomach....were what made me beautiful, what made me great....and i made a mistake allowing myself to listen to what people had to say..or even having the idea that who and who won't love this.....Everyone has imperfections and there's no perfect life, no perfect figure, it's just in the mind. Accept people for who they are, not for what they give or even for what they are.

I want a meaningful life. You want it too. Your definition of this meaningful life depends on for me, this quotes defines what i want and what i try to live up to.

Being real means being yourself and loving yourself, being true to yourself and proving to nobody but yourself that you are what you say you are.

No man is an island. This is a song we all sing. I cannot succeed without you. I cannot wake up and do all things by myself. We need each other. Human needs are insatiable, one need is fulfilled and another comes up and that's how we share ourselves and manage to touch the lives of others.

That's all for now, I'll post other quotes i come across soon. I don't know when this will happen because i am not a frequent blogger...I'm i even a blogger? No idea guys, i do this for fun...and ooh, this post is not perfect  :) :) because there are millions of grammar mistakes here and there..but here's my advice: Take what benefits you DARLING.


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