Everybody needs a drive. Among other wonderful things this blog steer my days to the right places. Sharon Mundia shared it on her blog a year ago, it caught my eye and since then, I've been loyal to it. Book-marking it won't disappoint you. Today's post (though dated 23rd coz of the time difference) by Ralph Marston caught my attention. Ok, not that i don't get captured by the others. It's just that this one right here communicated exactly what i need to read/hear at this point of my life. They say that when you're twenty something-ish, you are not settled. Your mind is everywhere, your life is just getting started and you are thinking of the future more often. Its at this stage that you are most confused about what you want to be, but at the same time try to figure out everything all at once. You try out million stuff, others work, others backfire. Older people who have successfully gone through this stage (wenye wameonja life) tell us to - RELAX a...
"She sought a nest to lay her random thoughts and this space presented itself."