Everybody needs a drive. Among other wonderful things this blog steer my days to the right places. Sharon Mundia shared it on her blog a year ago, it caught my eye and since then, I've been loyal to it. Book-marking it won't disappoint you. Today's post (though dated 23rd coz of the time difference) by Ralph Marston caught my attention. Ok, not that i don't get captured by the others. It's just that this one right here communicated exactly what i need to read/hear at this point of my life.
They say that when you're twenty something-ish, you are not settled. Your mind is everywhere, your life is just getting started and you are thinking of the future more often. Its at this stage that you are most confused about what you want to be, but at the same time try to figure out everything all at once. You try out million stuff, others work, others backfire.
Older people who have successfully gone through this stage (wenye wameonja life) tell us to - RELAX and take a step at a time. We'd heed to your advice but when we try to compare your days to our days a big gap exists. In your days, things were easy peasy. I mean, corruption was not as rampant as it is now - that explains why you guys have great jobs that you actually qualified for and not one you got via 'connections' from family or relatives. You didn't really go through the stress of choosing mates and getting your hearts all tangled up in the process of searching for the perfect person, your parents did that for you and you ended up 'booming babies' that have now filled the earth, famously known as us - Generation Y. I'd go on and on noting the differences but that's not what this post is about. This post is actually, surprisingly about considering your advice!
I'm at that stage where I ask myself so many questions regarding my choices and decisions, worrying about the next thing, the next step of my life; Where do i go after school? God, what plans do you have for me? Why not show them to me now so that we can negotiate terms? Do i even like what I'm pursuing in school? People are tarmaking despite being degree holders. That bracket of people don't choose to be in that predicament. What will me case be like??! Will my passion be my pay slip??!!? Have i even identified that passion? The string of questions are endless, thus when that wise, older 'baby boomer' tells me to relax, i find it really hard.
With this post from Mr. Marston i get to see the point of taking a chill pill and making positivity a priority. That even when i ask these questions, i consider the positives and not try and figure all things out. They will work out - at the right & perfect time! There's time for everything, right?
Below are the parts of that article that i found loud and conspicuous:
Choose to change your attitude, and you can immediately be living in a new world. Choose a positive attitude and suddenly you have placed yourself in a world filled with positive possibilities. Your attitude determines what you see and how you see it. It determines what you are willing to do with whatever is available to you now.
Certainly there are plenty of valid reasons to go through a day with a negative, despondent attitude. But even if there are million compelling reasons to be negative, there's a reason to be positive that outweighs them all. A powerful attitude empowers you the way nothing else can. The more reasons there are to be negative, the more powerful it is to be positive.
So, you can make excuses or you can move forward. Instantly change your life for the better, be positive and get the power that enables you do great things.
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