" If you want to be taken seriously, be consistent ." I start with this quote because consistency hasn't really been my thing when it comes to occasional posting and feeding stuff on this blog. It's been seriously abandoned and I think that if it were human, it would be 75% malnourished. The other bit of feeding (25%) would have to be the numerous times I clicked 'new post' and started writing something then suddenly just lost interest ending up having draft after draft...which will eventually be deleted...meaning there'll be no food...and this human gon suffer and then die..ha! (tragic ending). Ok, lets take stock... Having no intentions whatsoever to make yearly resolutions come 2017 unless it's something I'm sure will take it's course and give me results. Example: "Finish my undergraduate studies and graduate this year." This was a resolution I was sure would happen. In case I had a list of supplementary units yet to...
"She sought a nest to lay her random thoughts and this space presented itself."