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Taking Stock

"If you want to be taken seriously, be consistent."
I start with this quote because consistency hasn't really been my thing when it comes to occasional posting and feeding stuff on this blog. It's been seriously abandoned and I think that if it were human, it would be 75% malnourished. The other bit of feeding (25%) would have to be the numerous times I clicked 'new post' and started writing something then suddenly just lost interest ending up having draft after draft...which will eventually be deleted...meaning there'll be no food...and this human gon suffer and then die..ha! (tragic ending).
Ok, lets take stock...
Having no intentions whatsoever to make yearly resolutions come 2017 unless it's something I'm sure will take it's course and give me results. Example: "Finish my undergraduate studies and graduate this year." This was a resolution I was sure would happen. In case I had a list of supplementary units yet to be done and maybe if I was the biggest joke on school matters then I wouldn't have set this. So, if you're determined and know that all things leading to achieving this resolutions are well in place, then set the resolution. ION, by end of 2016 I was hoping to be slimmer, work out more, be fit, have a tiny waist, etc..but members of the wheat family are bae so.....
Making time for things, experiences, opportunities and especially people that matter in my journey to discover who I really I'm and what I'm capable of achieving. They say that if it's not gonna matter in 5 years, don't spend more than 5 minutes upset by it. 
Eating a lot! haha!'s a festive season and in Africa, Festive = Feasting! I am allowing myself to feast in peace and maybe work out later in March because that is what I think is good for me and the Lord will understand. #ItsMyBody 
Wanting to relax!! I dunno about you but to me some people's life as portrayed on social media speaks 'we're on vacation' all through the year! They're always somewhere on a beach having the time of their life...while I'm here asking or sometimes pleading with the makanga for my change. What is life aki? ha! The hustle and bustle of the city makes me sick but since this is Nairobae and food has to be put on the table,I've got no beach waiting for me unless I work and earn the pennies that'll afford me a life at the beach. One day Mercy! One day!
Drinking less water but promising that this will change. Looking at my last Stock Taking post, this part was written by a very healthy me; the 8-glasses-a-day me, the fit girl who'd jog daily and eat healthy. Now that's different but there's always room for improvement, right?
Reading nothing interesting. There's a time I was crazy into novels and was so determined to read at least one novel in a month. Ask me what happened to this after few weeks?? Witchcraft! Witchcraft is what happened. I would start a chapter, add few more...and then poof...morale inaisha. Maybe 2017 will be different?...Otherwise I'll just stick to reading status updates and tweets..haha
Playing Candy Crush! Yeah, that's right! There's this thing about me that sometimes seems weird but to me its just okay and I like it. When something is 'in fashion' and it's the talk of town, I really don't pay much attention to it until people are over it kabisa. So when most were here, I was at Snake Xenzia & Angry Birds...I think. Music is another one..."Have you heard this song by so and so? It was out by Feb this year." Me: imeshawekwa Youtube?? haha ION: I'll start watching Game of Thrones next year.
Creating Kitenge bracelets by Kangsy. When I started making my bracelets, it never occurred to me how they would be a big part of my progress and help me do so much. Starting this business made me realize that you really don't need to have much to win big. You only need you and your creativity! It also has taught me that when passion is your drive, you'll never feel like you're wasting your time. There have been moments when I felt like it's not doing me any good but I figured that each venture has its peak time and this won't be the case always. The secret is to never stop even when things are stagnant.  
Wishing that I'd somehow have the powers to know how my life would look like in the next decade. With such powers, my dreams would totally change! But since that's not the case, I have to live a day at a time.                                                         
Enjoying life after uni. Yes, it's the most boring part of existence!! Too many responsibilities! I only enjoy the part where I don't have to go to class and present a paper or work in groups! I thought life after graduation would be sunshine and the world would welcome me with smiles and warm hugs...I was wrong!
Liking and feeling grateful for the fact that I am writing this in 2016. At the beginning of this year there was no guarantee that I would see December. Only 12 days left to 2017 and I'm certain that I'll see the new year! I'm grateful to God for showing up for me and making 2016 real. I can complain about a list of things but for breath...I remain thankful. 
Loving so many things! But happiness comes first.
Hoping to grow deeply as a person come future years and not just 2017! 
Marveling at the fact that 2016 ilikimbia kama Bolt. Yaani hata haikutupatia head-start??? 
Following Narcos the series. When was it the talk of the town again?? hehe
Noticing that life is a mystery.  Do not try to rush life. Let it take its course. Do not force things, do not force friendships, do not force relationships. If these are meant to be, then stay assured that they will. Trying to force issues just makes you waste your energy on things that won't grow you. Channel that energy elsewhere and achieve success YOUR WAY and not how society says you should!
Thinking that  it's time I wish ya'll a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! To those who are going for a real holiday (not 2 weeks), Happy Holidays! Spread love and eat a lot. Don't pretend you only eat half a plate when you know you're a foodie. It won't hurt. Si we've said we'll work out next year?? haha

Merry Christmas! See you on the other side!


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