How many Mother’s days do we have yawa? Is it 8th, 10th or 13th May? Does this change yearly? Is it a week of celebration of motherhood? Is it another Idd-Ul-Adh? Mtu anitoe ushamba kama venye brother Omollo alitoa tint please! Sasa mkishinda mmepost kila siku ‘happy mothers day’ mnatuchanganya sisi watu tuko busy deciding whether the AyiiBiiSi (IEBC) should postpone the elections and give the gov’t time & room for negotiations with Mehico on the amounts of Yellow maize to be imported to Kenya to curb this crisis. We are busy people please! Thanks to Fesbuk and other Sosio Media platforms, I get to remember to send the Special text/gift to the many wonderful women who’ve raised me and avoid being accused. “Hukunitumia ata message ya Mothers Day….nani anafanya ubadilike hivi? Umepata boyfriend? Huyo kijana wazazi wake wanajua anakupoteza? Nikiamka 4am kuenda Gikomba ndio muende shule huyo kijana alikuwa wapi…..?😂 What they don’t decode is that their preferred text should...
"She sought a nest to lay her random thoughts and this space presented itself."