The best part about the comma in any piece of wording is that it gives the reader some time to breathe before proceeding in any pace they choose; slowed or hurried. This reminds me of those Literature or fasihi classes back in high-school where the teacher would make each person in a row read loud a paragraph or two halafu someone reads a whole paragraph without considering the punctuation!! Frustrating, right?! I mean, the story goes on, but the flow gets flawed somewhere in the middle and you lose concentration altogether. I’m that kinda girl who endeavors to learn from all experiences that I encounter in life. Bad and good, all are taken in very well, or not; pros & cons aligned side by side, lessons noted and tears probably shed too. Apart from work-outs and solo-walks in deserted areas, read quiet nature trails, among others, my other very top secret therapeutic stress-relieving method is just letting all that negative energy out through tears. Society regards crying as a ‘f...
"She sought a nest to lay her random thoughts and this space presented itself."