“You are your own responsibility! There's no way around it. Get out there and make the world your canvas.” This phrase. I've heard more than once in my many years of living in this revolving sphere – octogenarians would laugh at my mention of 25 being many years but it sure does count for something, doesn't it? I wanted to replace the word 'living' with 'existing' but then remembered a lesson I once had in one of those campus Career Fairs where a facilitator emphasized that the youth should 'live life'. He said, “Don't just exist, live!”, “Many are existing and being comfortable while at it. Don't you want to just be different for once? You do? Then Live! Get out of your conform zone and draw your art on this wide plain canvas awarded to you!” In pursuit of living and taking responsibility, I one time opened myself up to exploring the job searching side of the world. Just after graduation, there's always this refreshing feeli...
"She sought a nest to lay her random thoughts and this space presented itself."