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Showing posts from August, 2018

Taking Stock...

'Just do it. ~ Nike' Pressure was the topic I gave the last blog-post and alas! pressure's been on my neck like those black chokers on teenagers' necks! It's tough out here. Adulting's proving to be so freaking hard, I want to opt out of the subscription already! So much to do, so little time, zilch resources! Who's acing this life? ...because I ain't! They never gave us a manual for this back in school. Tiffany Haddish would say 'She Reeaaady!"...but man, I ain't nowhere near ready, anyway lemme take stock regardless! Having difficulties coping with how expensive life in Nairrobery is! One can't keep up. Everything's upscaling. The economy's now showing us the middle finger more openly and even if a man's gotta do what a mans gotta do, there's new challenges every other waking day. Imagine smokies are now 30 bob, I got my feelings hurt deeply when I learnt of this new development! I kennot keep up!   Making...