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Showing posts from September, 2018

Love me now, please?

"She was ever happy, always smiling and social, I will miss you." "She used to share African stuff on her social media pages and I had promised to support her, so sad!" "What happened? Please someone tell me what happened, I'm in total shock!" "My condolences to the family, how can we help?" "RIP. Please someone share a Pay-bill Number where we can assist the family with the burial sad." I'm just trying to put my imagination on paper of some of the phrases; some of dismay and some pretentious, that people would write on my TL or say once news hit the waves that I am no more. Just as it usually goes, someone close’ll shares the sad news, another posts it on social media and the post gets hundreds of comments, those I'd probably never gotten on that weird smiley selfie I posted a while back, deeply engulfed in depression. Most of the comments will be deep and most will be about how good...