This English language. On January 15th 2014, I put on here my first post. Little did I know that this was going to turn into a nest, that I would come to love and occasionally drop thoughts onto. At the beginning, I wouldn't have said that I loved writing. I was in campus then, still figuring what i was about. I didn't even have the English to begin with. I didn't grow up in an environment where English, proper English,was used to communicate. Even in schools that I went to, primary & high school, we had to practically be forced to speak in English in an attempt to boost our grades and also manage to articulate words when addressing a teacher. It was a norm to see fellow classmates wearing the ' disk ' around their necks as punishment for speaking in Swahili. My dad was a teacher and a Call Centre Operator at the same time. These, he did in a Medical Training Institute. My mother on the other hand was a housewife but through my dad's aggressive teacher at...
"She sought a nest to lay her random thoughts and this space presented itself."