How are you? Really... How are you doing? Don't take this as the typical 'how are you' that's casually thrown around with the person asking it having no intentions of knowing how you really are doing, in which case you never tell the truth. You always just give a casual answer for the casual question. Well, ask yourself that genuinely, today - How are you ? I don't think I'm the only person who's been asked this countless times. It's become so casual such that even when someone wants to genuinely know what's happening, it feels odd to open up. It feels, in your mind before you say it, like you're shifting a burden over to someone else so you opt to keep mum, and deal with your 'demons' alone. There's this YouTube Channel I really really really like. This girl goes to a recreational park ones in a while, meets strangers and asks them random questions or tells them to do certain challenges while she records them, of...
"She sought a nest to lay her random thoughts and this space presented itself."