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Showing posts from July, 2021

2021 READS: BOOK 5 OF 6

'Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.' ~ Cavett Robert. Developing a reading culture is easier said than done. Passion to read comes and goes with seasons, just like it does for other hobbies. The good thing about life though is that you can pick, drop and get back to hobbies any time you like.  Three months. I haven't read anything to write about for that duration of time. The excitement to pick a book kinda went for vacation in Bali but recently came back so there's a high chance I'll meet my 6 books by end of year resolution, maybe even more than the intended target, who knows? The leg  injury  I had over this period largely contributed to my lack of morale to hop back into the reading train. I was in a very weird head space I pushed it aside for a minute. In the interest of refining this habit in attempt to make it part and parcel of my character, I used that time to regroup. My recovery...