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2021 READS: BOOK 5 OF 6

'Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.' ~ Cavett Robert.

Developing a reading culture is easier said than done. Passion to read comes and goes with seasons, just like it does for other hobbies. The good thing about life though is that you can pick, drop and get back to hobbies any time you like. 

Three months.

I haven't read anything to write about for that duration of time. The excitement to pick a book kinda went for vacation in Bali but recently came back so there's a high chance I'll meet my 6 books by end of year resolution, maybe even more than the intended target, who knows? The leg injury I had over this period largely contributed to my lack of morale to hop back into the reading train. I was in a very weird head space I pushed it aside for a minute. In the interest of refining this habit in attempt to make it part and parcel of my character, I used that time to regroup. My recovery's going great and now I'm back like I never left 😎. Let's do a quick kienyeji review for book 5, shall we?

The Bizarre Bazaar by Elizabeth Kabui

I wanted a very easy and laid back read that would not stress me out. I walked around the streets of Nairobi checking out those random street vendors but books I saw did not fit my specifications. I eventually got this one at Chania Bookshop, Moi Avenue for Kes. 350/- 😊. What first caught my attention was it's catchy title which is pretty creative if you ask me.

The book is written in the voice of the main character, a sixteen year old boy; Kevin Mayo on his few days bizarre encounter at a local bazaar while running errands with his best friend Marto. These two lads use their friendship for good to help solve a car-jacking crime that had heightened over time in their area or residence. While reading through it I could tell that the writer intended to emphasize on the importance of trusting one's gut feeling, among other things. Had Kevin trusted his guts, the process of bringing the culprits to justice wouldn't have stalled as it did. The book doesn't make you cry. It just simply entertains. I read it on my way home in a matatu from work. It's  only a 92 pager, very well spaced and with simple language. Here's why that's the case.

StarLit Readers is a series of simply written fictional storybooks targeting Secondary school going students but is also recommended for other readers looking for hilarious modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. Clearly, I fall in the latter group. I was entertained but I can't say it's something I went into deep thought about. It gave me that brief happy feeling you get when you watch an episode of a sitcom but then after it's done there's nothing to meditate on. That's the easy I wanted. I'm now ready for my next read which is the one book I've been dying to get my hands on! The hint in on this picture right here - the bookmarks I used πŸ’ͺ.

I used panty liners as bookmarks! I know we use them either at the beginning or the end of our menstrual cycles, or sometimes use them everyday to manage the very normal occasional vaginal discharge but since I am preparing myself for what I feel and know will be my greatest read of the year, I opted to use them as bookmarks! So cool, right? 😎The other reason why is because periods and anything that helps us manage it is part of a woman's life - it's normal, it's real, it's no taboo and no one should be shamed for it. Any conversation around it shouldn't be had behind closed doors like it was the case in yester years preceding the invention of TikTok. Aaaaahhhh...let me just stop there. The book 6 hint is becoming too loud 😝!


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