“Knock knock?” “Who’s there?” “Taki…” “Taki who?” “Taking Stock, 2021. “ “…and may I ask who/what that is?” “…mmm….that annual post you usually put up noting stuff you’re doing now and/or those you’ve done over the year that have made it to your ‘This was Key” Book in 2021? ” “Ooh yes, you remembered!” “…’course I did. I like reading those. So how’d we do this year?” “Well, here’s something…” MAKING a list of the sales deals I managed to close & leads identified yesterday. I’m having a virtual sales catch up meeting today with my supervisor & the sales team where we each explain our weekly achievements and collective contribution to the general monthly sales target. They are not my best kind of meetings but it’s part of the process, so let’s see how it goes. I’ve had to make so many changes in the year career-wise but I’m closing it while in my field - Marketing & Sales. I’m not entirely happy with how things stand right now but I am hopeful for better come next year. EATI...
"She sought a nest to lay her random thoughts and this space presented itself."