When crossing over to this year there was never a guarantee that we’d all get to this day; the first day of the last month of the year. We aren’t a special bunch really, we are simply highly favored. Many people wished to be here with us celebrating life and sharing in His goodness but things turned out different for them.
Gratitude is a Must.
Maverick City guys in one of their hits say ‘I can sing a billion songs, dance ‘til my feet are numb, spin ‘til I'm empty and poor. I can't praise you enough. I can shout 'til my voice gives way, leap 'til I have no strength, lose my breath trying to explain. I can't praise you enough. And if time were to stall, I can never tell it all. Words are few, and this will have to do: I just wanna Thank You Lord.’
All the things that didn’t work out in the course of the year, the only thing God asks of you is that you believe he will change the course of things. “Everything is possible for the one who believes,” He says. While people are counting their seemingly big miracles don’t you dare stop counting your million little miracles as well. He has covered you and gracefully brought you this far. Isn’t He a good, good Father?
There’s no one I know out there who Loves like God loves. All these things that keep bugging our minds He’s the only one we can tell openly without shame or fear. I’ve not met a confidant as loyal as the one Jesus we read and are told about. It’s casually said that he gives rest to the heavy laden but until you let him take over your existence, nothing’s ever going to make sense, the burdens are gonna keep piling and the mess will continue being messier. Let Him take over, will you?
More of him has no attached clause that dictates you’ve got to be perfect, naaaah. More of him means you are HUMAN - a work in progress, intentionally working to better each aspect of your life. What I believe is that if you have clear intent to change the trajectory of your life and are diligently working towards that, God can’t just let you be. At the right time, He will make it happen for you.
May the new month bring you peace of mind, that’s a gift we don’t thank Him much for. We pray for wealth and success a lot but little do we know what simple things like that are the greatest blessings. Let’s close the year with a grateful heart. Let’s keep loving and growing, let’s keep working on ourselves and most of all let’s keep asking for MORE OF HIM.
Happy New Month.
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