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Showing posts from March, 2022

MENTORSHIP: Stellar Girls Kenya & Grace Nanana Rescue Centre, Kajiado.

GRACE Nanana is a rescue center where Maasai girls escape the illegal but still practiced customs of early marriage and female genital mutilation in order to pursue education. Full-time housing and care for the girls is provided on-site at Nanana Winbridge Education School, located in Kajiado town, Kenya. GRACE Nanana works to educate and empower girls to choose the life they want to live. On Saturday, 19th March 2022, the Centre's management extended an invitation to Stellar Girls Kenya to facilitate a whole day's mentoring session for their girls on pressing and reoccurring matters which include but are not limited to: Academics/Education (Importance and benefits to the gir l child, tips for balancing with talents, career options, etc) Early Child Marriages (Its illegality and setbacks) Female Genital Mutilation (its horrors and demystifying its myths and misconceptions) Childhood & General Life trauma (Overcoming and growing past them) Menstrual Health Hygiene Management...


2021 was an assortment of happy & sad, but mostly happy. I can confidently say that my ‘happy jar’ for the past year overflowed. I remember one day coming to a conclusion that…”right now, right this moment, MY CUP RUNNETH OVER”. The ‘misery jar’ couldn’t make it to the finish line as it was constantly in battle. 🎕 Couple of days after my last birthday I got into a bodaboda accident, a thing that disoriented me in more ways than I can recount. Spent about 2 months estimate at home recuperating. My personality nudges me to seek freedom - of movement & expression, so imagine the level of frustration I was immersed in during this time (home alone). “Maybe God’s tryna talk to you and he needs you calm,” I’d encourage myself. 🎕 Thank heavens it was peak Covid days so my predicament didn’t really affect my then job; I could still get things done from the comfort of my cozy bed that overtime ceased being cozy. I came out of it and went back to work. Unfortunately the company closed ...