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2021 was an assortment of happy & sad, but mostly happy. I can confidently say that my ‘happy jar’ for the past year overflowed. I remember one day coming to a conclusion that…”right now, right this moment, MY CUP RUNNETH OVER”. The ‘misery jar’ couldn’t make it to the finish line as it was constantly in battle.

πŸŽ• Couple of days after my last birthday I got into a bodaboda accident, a thing that disoriented me in more ways than I can recount. Spent about 2 months estimate at home recuperating. My personality nudges me to seek freedom - of movement & expression, so imagine the level of frustration I was immersed in during this time (home alone). “Maybe God’s tryna talk to you and he needs you calm,” I’d encourage myself.

πŸŽ• Thank heavens it was peak Covid days so my predicament didn’t really affect my then job; I could still get things done from the comfort of my cozy bed that overtime ceased being cozy. I came out of it and went back to work. Unfortunately the company closed down shortly after. “God, I thought you just brought me out of the frying pan, now into the fire again??,” I’d lament.

πŸŽ• With rent to pay, 2 masculine mouths to feed and a life to live, keeping hope alive proved a challenge. It’s in that period that my landlord suddenly became more understanding and less demanding, my ex-employer held me up financially to at least cover essentials, the Mr, my King, my Love & number one support system folded his sleeves & gave me unmatched financial and emotional support. If that’s not Adonai, tell me what is .

πŸŽ• In the blurry tunnel of frustration and the “misery jar” taking lead, streaks of bright eye-blinding light slowly found their way in. The idea that is Stellar Girls Kenya, that had lived in my head for eons came to life. Glovo App (K) Ltd closely followed (Thank you Magomba); an intense 4 month period of aggressive outbound mobile App selling . The 4 months were hard, but it put food on the table .

πŸŽ• The year ended on a noticeable high with the puzzle coming to a close fit. Million little miracles? That’s been me, all year. Still a Khaleesi; still laughs the loudest, , still the life of the party, still extroverted to the core, still a lover of the outdoors, still on a self-discovery journey, still beautiful - discovered the secret that is a red lip, still taking chances at life, still a believer of Jesus Christ and more importantly still letting God be God!!

πŸŽ• Walking into my year of unmerited abundance and favor, I speak happiness into my life and in the lives of those that I love & interact with. I speak advancement in our engagements; careers, families, relationships, marriages, friendships, et al. That we grow together, be each other’s keepers & accountability partners. That we keep trusting that He got us and will not, even for one second, let things fall.

πŸŽ• Here’s to life, here’s to a very merry & happy birthday to the one & the only Khaleesi 


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