In my reading pursuit, I typically take at least a month to finish a book thanks to my ever busy-ish life schedule. Any bookworm reading that statement would shake their head in disbelief but even you, my dear bookworm started somewhere, right? Right. After reading ‘Strength at my weakest by Violet Lavender Olang’ in two days, I feel like no capital offense would be committed were I to be officially admitted to the World Quick Readers Hall of fame! 😆This past weekend while being graciously gifted the book by the ever kind father to the author, Mr. Olang , he said I’d not put the book down once I opened it. Knowing my inconsistent history with reading, in my head I was like, “Aaaaii, wewe wacha!” Days before my wedding, Mr. Olang, on our way to inspect our venue ( Fred’s Ranch, Isinya ), briefly recounted to us the events that led to the untimely demise of his first born, his daughter, a once young, energetic, bubbly, bright, beautiful girl with conspicuous dimples to boot - Violet. Th...
"She sought a nest to lay her random thoughts and this space presented itself."