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In my reading pursuit, I typically take at least a month to finish a book thanks to my ever busy-ish life schedule. Any bookworm reading that statement would shake their head in disbelief but even you, my dear bookworm started somewhere, right? Right.

After reading ‘Strength at my weakest by Violet Lavender Olang’ in two days, I feel like no capital offense would be committed were I to be officially admitted to the World Quick Readers Hall of fame! πŸ˜†This past weekend while being graciously gifted the book by the ever kind father to the author, Mr.Olang, he said I’d not put the book down once I opened it. Knowing my inconsistent history with reading, in my head I was like, “Aaaaii, wewe wacha!”

Days before my wedding, Mr. Olang, on our way to inspect our venue (Fred’s Ranch, Isinya), briefly recounted to us the events that led to the untimely demise of his first born, his daughter, a once young, energetic, bubbly, bright, beautiful girl with conspicuous dimples to boot - Violet. The conversation came about while he drove us along Mombasa Road headed to Kitengela, same route where life for her, as she meticulously describes, changed forever. “On her wheelchair, and often while at the Spinal Injury Hospital, she’d journal her experience pre and post the road accident - experiences which are now published, dedicated to the world, to read & learn a thing or two about road safety measures and how non adherence to these change the course of life,” he concluded.

I had to get my hands on the book!

You would expect such a book and any posthumously published books really, to be mournful or one to elicit sorrow but it’s quite the opposite. She is funny, open, real and quite youthful in her story telling. The way in which she tells of her days at the hospital to the days pre-accident when as a young ‘independent’ girl she’d left home, her belongings in tow (in those High School mabati box πŸ˜‚), ready to live life like a grown woman only to find that the reality out there wasn’t so welcoming and had to go back home. 😏

Partially paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair for over a year, Vio courageously lived a day at a time pushing, praying, smiling and hoping that one day her legs would regain life. Some days were good, others were tough but life had to go on. Her solid support system, mum & dad included, kept her alive.

Reading through her last days broke my heart πŸ’”. I couldn’t imagine the agony she underwent both physically, emotionally and mentally. Her beautifully told story, a story of unmatched resilience and hope, kept me glued and I know, should you get yourself a copy (500/- only), you’d keep the pages turning as I did.

THIS, my dear reader is a MUST READ!

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