When I enrolled into University, my main goal was to succeed, that’s everyone’s goal at this point really. Time has passed by so quickly and the goal still remains the same. Many are times I tend to lose focus on this goal and I end up messing up big time. Life’s like a mountain, you’ve got to gather the strength to move up to the peak despite the strong wind that will try to block you from getting there. You might reach some point and get tired, or you lose the strength to move on but with your eyes fixed at the peak, all is gonna go smoother than you can imagine. But you've got to have the hunger to reach there, you’ve got to have the desire to acquire what’s at the peak, have fire in your belly, be proactive, strong-willed, optimistic and most of all prayerful.
All that I think lies with what YOU think success is. There are gazillion definitions of success but I think every single person should have their own definition of this success we all very much want.
What's my understanding of success?
Being able to excel in my studies; school is where I am right now. It’s what defines me at this moment. Every time a semester ends, I evaluate the activities of that semester with the results that I get at the end. This helps me in knowing how much effort I put in the semester and how much more I need to work. I consider excelling in my studies a success because it shows that I’m making progress and not just sitting around in school doing nothing constructive. Education has always been an important factor, to everyone, and when your reaping is good then this is amazing success...don't you think?
Being able to help someone out with something they find difficult; I always feel happy when someone tells me ‘Thank you’. Whenever this happens, I feel like I’ve impacted the life of that person, that he/she has gained something from me…. so refreshing to know that someone appreciates your efforts, however small.
Being happy; every single being in the universe deserves to be happy. Maybe that’s the reason why each person is on his/her own path searching for happiness. Philosophers say happiness lies within you…but personally it’s hard to find it inside…I get it around me...with what I do. Is that inside?...I don’t know. When I’m happy I consider myself successful. When I get a moment to share a laugh, I feel so good and that to me is just but one step to achieving human ultimate end – true happiness.
Managing to clear all things on my “To-do-list”: Ok, this here to me is a success because it rarely happens. I start off a day full of determination that I’m gonna do all I’ve written down in my daily checklist. The day goes by so fast and when I eventually sit down to check what was and wasn’t done, my face falls because I have done nothing…or I’ve done only one thing from all the 10 items. This is failure…. :( To curb this routine, I decided to only write like three items in the list. I believed taking baby steps would do me good so three was and still is a good number. I’ve slowly made progress though; the list can take at least eight items. I am doing it my way…and eight is not easy but that’s just me doing me…and it works!
Giving reports on time (at work) and clearing my assignments on time: No one loves assignments! I just wish there was a way my school just never...totally never gave assignments especially in Accounting Units. I have this fight with all Accounting units because they clearly drive me nuts. Doing all those ledger stuff, debit/credit…they mess me bad!! Not everyone was born an accountant…and I think the school management should know this…for exemption purposes :). Whenever I submit these assignments…Ooh, I feel awesomeness all over me!
Being there for my family & friends: I am number three among five siblings...and I've got lots of friends and one big other 2nd family. They are an awesome lot I tell you. They make my world go round and keep my mind thinking. When I’m able to assist in a major/minor way in their lives, I feel great, I feel successful.
There’s definitely more to this but this is what came into my mind today….
I just think that everyone should look for what make them happy, what fulfills them. I don’t think success is like Holy water – where only the righteous are immersed in. It is for everyone. Your definition is not my definition, neither is it his or hers…it’s YOURS.
Find it in the little things you do……
''It's the little thing" like the way my curiosity just made me 2 stalk at ur twitter profile and going on 2 ur blog and in my curiosity again I just checked inn 2 one of this blessed motivated words and trust me this is al I wanteD 2 start my week and a new resolution of. Havn a 2 do list note. And the word of the day and al days "I don’t think success is
ReplyDeletelike Holy water – where only the
righteous are immersed in. It is for
Thanks 4 the word and trust me I'l b checkn in oftenly here :)
Tosh, I'm so glad you've seen this small world of mine. I am also very happy that you've found something good for you.Thank you for your comment...Feel free to be a regular visitor too!