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Random things about me (ll)

Lets head straight to section two. If you missed part one of #Random Tingz, check it out here.
Haiya basi na tuendelee!

26. What color is your hair?
 Black. Type 4C natural hair. Afro. It's naturally relaxed, don't need a relaxer. I wear my own hair, I don't   buy hair!...I digress. (I'm in love guys!..with my hair of course. So please pardon the digression).
27. Name 5 facts about your physical appearance:
This question is very challenging...simple but took me a while to figure these out!

  • Height is 5'4.
  • I often wear my hair up (afro-like).
  • I'm light-brown (gah!..this is difficult to explain). Kindly refer to my pic on the side.
  • I have a round face.
  • How do we describe body size again? Kizungu ni ngumu aki! Ok, I'm Medium sized (I lack an appropriate word).
28. What is your favorite soda?
Does it have to be soda? Cuz soda is bad for my health and i'm not a big fan. Fanta Passion flavor is okay though.
29. What is a strange talent that you have?
 Plaiting my own hair. Is that even a talent? I think it is dude!

30. How’s the weather right now?
It's sunny outside, cumulus clouds in the sky. One word. B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.

31. Why did one of your friendships end?
We cleared high school. I haven't heard from others since.

32. Who do you miss right now?
My old self.

33. Why did your last relationship end?
I grew up.
34. Are you still figuring out who you are?
Every single day.

35. Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? Why?
Naah. Never. I'm ever grateful to God for that.
36. What is your favorite restaurant?
I don't go out much. I hope to explore the country once I'm done with school . For now I'd say Samba Bar & Restaurant in downtown, Tom Mboya Street.
37. What is the word that you always seem to spell wrong?
38. Would ever adopt kids?
Yes. Everybody deserves a home.
39. What is your favorite kind of pizza?
Any can do yo! Any can do!
40. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
I need to say a prayer to de Fada (The Supreme Master).
41. When was the last time you got really really happy and why?
Sunday 12th October '14. I Spent the afternoon with my wonderful extended fambam in Lenana. These guys rock! The stories we shared aroused joy in me. I miss them all!

42. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

43. How do you start a conversation?
With greetings: 'Hi', 'Wassup', 'Sema', 'Good morning', et al, depending on who I'm conversing with.

44. What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?
H_Art the Band from Kenya!!!

45. Do you come from a family “of money?”
Yes. No. Wait, what do you mean 'of money'?

46. Do you have a bucket list?
In my mind, Yes. On paper, No. I'm thinking of writing one down BTW.

47. What is your favorite series of books?
I have none. God! I need to be serious.
48. When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?
See No. 41 above.
49. Where do you go when you’re sad?
I don't know. Nowhere, I guess.
Maybe this question would've been phrased this way "What do you do when you're sad?', Ningekupa jibu sambamba.

50. 5 random facts about yourself:
Come on...Only 5???..How selfish!

  • I love fish.
  • I cry when i hurt, i let it all out.
  • I love all things-African: hair, clothing, food, you name it.
  • I'm a leader and a good follower too.
  •  I love my hair.
This was so much fun to do! I hope to do more of these. I'm not hoping...I'll actually DO more of such posts next time!
Wait for Part III.

Cheers loves


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