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Random things about me (l)

I have work pending and some assignments due. Thing is, I'm not in the mood for serious stuff right now. Too much work without play makes Kangsy a dull nyako (lady in my mother tongue). Spending time here, doing fun, that's why I'd prefer to call it play.
I came across some random questions on tumblr this morning. I wanna give 'em a try and see the outcome. Here we go: 

1. What is your name and does it mean anything?
Mercy is my name - Expression of compassion or forgiveness towards someone. I'm merciful lie!
Achieng' - Luo name for a girl born during the day. 'Chieng' means sunshine. Does this explain why my face is always bright??  siringi.
2. How long have you known your best friend?
Since childhood. We're blood! We're one! One womb-one life. My sweet sister. (though she ain't always sweet!). I also have other best friends. Mike B. where are you??
3. What position do you normally sleep in?
I don't master the positions. Whatever makes me feel comfortable does it for me, even if it means sleeping while sitting. I kid.
4. Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?
Oh yes! Got into one in fourth form. I can't remember our 'label' but we were bad-ass! No one could tell us nothing! Mostly famous for noise making during preps and complaining about the school food menu.
5. Who was your favourite teacher in high school and why?
Mr. Omondi a.k.a 'Omosh' my Maths teacher. He helped me transition from immense hate for Mathematics to total love for it. I sleep, drink and eat numbers!

6. Do you wish to travel a lot?
Who doesn't?
7. Did you participate in any sports while in school?
Yes. Football and Rugby (don't ask why or how!).
8. Show a sample of your handwriting:
Will do this later.
9. Have you ever given blood?
Yes. Once though. Two months back here in uni.
10. Do you like the way that you grew up?
I absolutely do! African parents are thee!
11. Do you like your siblings? Why or why not?
I LOVE my siblings! Because they're blood, and you can't hate blood no matter what happens yo.
12. How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?
She was my first nanny..LOL. She hated it when i was left alone with her though. Thank you sizzy for the love and care! We're friends because we're friends! Man..that lady gets me like no one else!
13. Name one movie that made you cry.
"The Faults in Our Stars". I'm a hardcore but this one here got to me.
14. Do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?

15. Things about someone that you find attractive?
Humility and Honesty.
16. What song are you currently listening to?
I'm i allowed to list my massive play-list?? Yes? No? Okay.
17. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?
I suffered a fractured right hand in grade three. My friends and i had gone to 'steal' guavas from a neighbours 'shamba'. Being a prowess in tree climbing, i got myself to the topmost branch in search of the big and ripe guavas. I picked and threw them down for my other comrades to gather them in a sack. Suddenly someone started shouting, 'Baba Jemo! Baba Jemo anakam!' (the owner). This was a signal to evict the garden with no looking back. I had no time to slowly climb down the tree, and being a 'super-woman', i thought jumping to the ground (from the top) would be quick. Apparently, that path had misfortunes! I fell hard on the ground and fractured my hand. Funny thing though is this; after falling i stood up as quick as i could and ran to safety with the rest because i hadn't realized that my hand was in bad shape. I realized this when the hand started moving weirdly on its own, frail from the damage and the pain that checked in. You don't wanna know what happened later! Reactions from an African mother....You don't want to hear this! (story for another day).

18. A random memory from you childhood:
See No. 17 Above.
19. Where did you grow up?
A place called KMTC. My dad was a Teacher in that College. Karen, Nairobi, (Kenya).
20. What was the last thing you watched on tv?
Prime time News on Citizen TV yester-night.
21. Do you think you’d make a good parent?
Yes i do! I'm still learning to accept the 'colicky' attitude of babies though. 
22. Would you like to meet any of your social networks friends in person?
Some. Not all.

22. What was the last dream you remember having?
I don't remember anything at the moment.
23. When is your birthday?
20th March

24. How many pillows do you sleep with?
I don't have a pillow. Yes. I don't. 

25. Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?
Naah, i'm all natural. LOL

There you go comrades. Part II coming right after this!


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