I turned twenty two. Panic-mode bado haijafika; I'm still in that age bracket where saying my age out loud ain't a big deal. Tukifika hio time, ata FB hakutakuwa na notification ya birthday... :)
As much as i would've loved to put on my dancing shoes on and dance off the day 'happily', yesterday provided no such opportunity. I had an extremely busy day but of course there are friends who made it special for me; as should be the case!
It's a new year for me; a new dawn I'd call it. Why? Cuz i hope the days after today become just that; a new dawn: the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise; the light that God's going to direct my way, I pray.
I know not, what lies ahead of me. I know not, what plans he has for me, but with faith, I'm assured that he has the best plans for me. I'm certain that my story is not just a regular story, but a masterpiece; one that will inspire others coz this author who sat down to compose it , is one mysterious writer whose omniscient and has my best interest at heart.
Life has happened; friends coming and going, passing and failing life tests, smiling and frowning, laughing and crying; yes, all these among many others, and in all circumstances a lesson was learnt. I leave all these behind and start off a whole new series of the same things, but now in a better way....that's what new beginnings are all about right?
In that regard, I want to thank every single person; be it my closest friends, my 'social sites' friends, colleagues, neighbors, siblings, classmates, partners-in-crime, etc,who took their time to wish me a happy birthday! It was indeed a happy day for me - It had to be great by all means!!
Sasa, to finish this post, lazima i give credits to my mom and dad...thank you two for bringing me into this world. Ya'll are in a better place. This woman you raised is kicking ass and is gonna make ya'll proud in absentia. You raised a queen!
At least today i had a reason to put up a post!
Miss. Kangwato
As much as i would've loved to put on my dancing shoes on and dance off the day 'happily', yesterday provided no such opportunity. I had an extremely busy day but of course there are friends who made it special for me; as should be the case!
It's a new year for me; a new dawn I'd call it. Why? Cuz i hope the days after today become just that; a new dawn: the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise; the light that God's going to direct my way, I pray.
I know not, what lies ahead of me. I know not, what plans he has for me, but with faith, I'm assured that he has the best plans for me. I'm certain that my story is not just a regular story, but a masterpiece; one that will inspire others coz this author who sat down to compose it , is one mysterious writer whose omniscient and has my best interest at heart.
In that regard, I want to thank every single person; be it my closest friends, my 'social sites' friends, colleagues, neighbors, siblings, classmates, partners-in-crime, etc,who took their time to wish me a happy birthday! It was indeed a happy day for me - It had to be great by all means!!
Sasa, to finish this post, lazima i give credits to my mom and dad...thank you two for bringing me into this world. Ya'll are in a better place. This woman you raised is kicking ass and is gonna make ya'll proud in absentia. You raised a queen!
At least today i had a reason to put up a post!
Miss. Kangwato
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