Now that my timeline is filled with these wonderful Fathers' Day stories/wishes, I'd also like to remember my paps with this kastoro...of one kaprecious moment we once shared many years back. We used to stay very close to Karen Blixen...yes, THEE Karen Blixen, and at that time this beautiful jungle used to host weddings almost all weekends. Now, when you saw kids from our estate in these weddings, entry could've either been through the gate (formally) or through the famous 'panya routes', the latter being the most common. The weddings were such a norm, hadi some families (mine and others included) avoided preparing lunch ama supper on Saturdays cuz sumptuous meals were available at Blixen for free; free being the key word yawa! Reminds me of how most Kenyans immediately pay extreme attention to a sales person when the word 'FREE' is mentioned somewhere...hehehe Sasa this day, kama kawaida kulikuwa na weddo. This one had free entry, so we d...
"She sought a nest to lay her random thoughts and this space presented itself."