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Unmerited Favour

From living in a ‘second’ home for close to a decade, going to high school (a privilege not so many get), to going to this university ya mababi ata nashangaa nilifika aje….and NOW, finally folding my sleeves for my final year – form 4 ya uni!!! How merciful can my God be??? He’s done wonders to my life. He has created paths i never thought I’d ever cross. Wakisemanga from Grass to Grace, i think they’re always referring to me.

From starting off at St. Mary’s; nakumbuka ka uniform kalikuwa kemeraruka nyuma but that didn’t deter me from being top 5 in class ๐Ÿ™‚ ; viatu zikicheka unaambiwa hakuna 5 bob ya kupeleka kwa fundi – ningojee term ikianza! Changing schools in class eight, you’d think I’m changing clothes, in pursuit of a school that would make me perform well (ndio neinde National school) – DYC apo Lenana nikaenda two weeks, the Emmanson Academy nikaenda for 3 months, surprisingly nikakuwa index 2, but i remember the headteacher moving me to index 3 because apparently she felt that a ‘new comer’ cannot just come and ‘break the record’ haha

We went by the name LSO (Lenana Slum Orphans). At Emmanson Academy, all was well – at least ilikuwa shule ya masonko (gate inafungwa mse hawezi hepa), I remember consequent compulsory P.E lessons for everyone and us being forced to wear shorts ๐Ÿ™‚ We hadn’t stayed in the school for so long…but after a while ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE… Watoto wa Kusaidiwa wakaanza kuona ‘mashetani’ ..hahaha..(I can’t help but laugh whenever i remember these days)!..One morning during the parade, all the LSO kids were called in front of the other ‘special’ kids and these were Tr. Betty’s words “Kama unajua wewe ni mtoto wa kusaidiwa from LSO go take your bags, return books that you have borrowed from other students and GO HOME”.

So, that was that – the story is too long. But i remember amidst the joy other LSO kids had (kuenda home..yaaay!!), I was in tears. Being in class eight my worst fears were actually repeating class eight. I had done my indexing exams and that right there was a stab and twist in my deepest, delicate heart parts! Lakini HUYU MUNGU mwenye amefanya ning’are wasn’t asleep at that time…He saw the tears and i think he was like..”Honey boo, dry your tears – I GOT THIS”. He did his magic nikaenda Riruta Satellite Primary (Setti). Damn, i remember having to go to Setti from 6 a.m, hio baridi yote nikipitia Lenana School..bad ndio hiyo kubwa imejaa vitabu inafika chini ya haga …Ooh and there was no money to buy a new uniform at the time, so i had to go with the YELLOW/BROWNISH Emmanson uniform to a BLUE uniformed environment – I was so conspicuous.

In Setti now, classes were divided according to ‘uchopi-ness’. At first, nikapelekwa ile ya ‘Wazazi-tumejaribu-tukashindwa-na-hawa-watoto-wenyu’ dubbed 8 Central. It was waay late into the term so nikapewa index ya watu wanerepeat – index 302. I knew what i wanted – at this time proving Tr. Betty wrong. (that’s ata kama ametufukuza we’re still gonna make it). So i worked my butt out like nonsense! – in some exam we did, actually my first exam in the school, i got 368 – that raised eyebrows from the teaching staff and pap! Mtoto wa Kusaidiwa akapelekwa 8 West (Class ya wale wabaya – yaani class ya watu wa marking scheme).- Hao ndio walikuwa wanaMark exam ya watu wa 8 central..LOL..I’m kidding..but you get the drift?

I dedicated that year to total seriousness. Being in 8 West meant that i had to keep up with the flow in the class. Boy! Did i read? Sema kustruggle ku fit-in! The Master above was still my inner voice and would pour roses my way each time i felt like i’d give up – He kept me energised yaani hadi nikamada class 8. Tukaenda ushago. hahaha waaah. Post Election Violence ikatupata uko!! I gave up on life ju nilikuwa najua Nairobi nitaionea tu kwa gazeti. Lakini My God did his tricks and nikajipata Nembu Girls. Four good/crazy/stressful long years passed by an nikamaliza na some grade i still think KNEC awarded me…hio Chem tu!!!!

Now I’m here, reminiscing on all these past events; feeling pretty happy that these events/experiences made me who I am today. The main thing that i keep telling myself and that I’ll keep reminding those close to me or whoever i get to socialize with – A situation is never permanent! One day you’re the junior, the next day you’ll be the one giving orders; you just got to be a little more patient. OOH and GOD never sleeps – I can attest to that!

With me you have been with, with me you are with, with me you will be with, I pray! It’s all been Favour.


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