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Father's Day

We used to stay very close to Karen Blixen…yes, THEE Karen Blixen, and at that time this beautiful jungle used to host weddings almost all weekends. Now, when you saw kids from our estate in these weddings, entry would have either been through the gate (formally) or through the famous ‘panya routes’, the latter being the most common. The weddings were such a norm, hadi some families (mine and others included) avoided preparing lunch ama supper on Saturdays cuz sumptuous meals were available at Blixen for free; free being the key word yawa! Reminds me of how most Kenyans immediately pay extreme attention to a sales person when the word ‘FREE’ is mentioned somewhere…hehehe

Sasa this day, kama kawaida kulikuwa na weddo. This one had free entry, so we didn’t have to maneuver our way through our traditionally designed routes. Tulikuwa ‘rende’ kubwa, kila mtu amevaa Sunday best. Those with tattered clothes ni wenye walikuwa wamenyimwa ruhusa…so they were there illegally. Harusi ikaendelea poa; especially getting to the reception part of the day…we’d eat till we pour the sodas all over the place. The long awaited moment of the day ikafika – Cake Time! Hapa sasa kila mtu akakaa chini, waiting to patiently have a bite. Eating cake was such a big deal back then ju tulikuwa tunaiona tu times za wedding. Everyone was served, but as usual, the cake served is never enough!!!!!!!! Then the unimaginable happened…

Apparently my dad and some of his friends from home had ‘invited themselves’ to the wedding. I think they were on leave or somn’. One of my friends saw them and was like “Mercy, baba yako pia alikuja kukula? Sasa ju hatujashiba cake, tuende tumwambie aongee na hawa watu watuongezee cake.” Being the last born, and too small and naive with zero care in the world, i knew i would get anything I asked for from dad. I mean, I was the love of his life – he would go to the ends of the world for me!!! Mimi huyoo hadi place alikuwa amekaa. Whispered with that tone kids always use when they want something. To my surprise he didn’t even object to my silly request. We were about 5 kids, waiting for this Super Hero to bring us Cake.
Kama kawaida, the cake stand was in the middle of the field, with the big tents well decorated surrounding it. The ‘red aisle’ leading to the cake also looked fab. The place was rather quiet though. The leftover cake was still in the stand and no one was manning it at the time.

Dad stood up and majestically walked towards the cake (through the red carpet), majestically with no effs whatsoever to give straight to the cake stand. Picked up the knife without asking anyone ni kama cake ni ya public and started slicing the it; a cake which he neither owned nor knew the owners. To make matters worse (but hilarious to me and my peers), he started calling out my name; “Toto, kujeni mchukue cake…na ita pia akina Alice”. The cold stares, the jeering!!! Ha! He cared less…he just wanted to give his little girl & co. more cake. Long story cut short, Security men came and led us all out. ..Oooh but we took the slices with us. It ended with us being kicked out cuz my dad ‘crashed’ the wedding, but whenever i actually sit and think of the whole thing, all i can make of it is just a situation where a parent is trying to show love and care to their child – a duty they’re supposed to hold dear.

Happy Belated Father’s Day to all Dads in the world, to all the single mums who fold up their sleeves to get out there to get some ‘cake’ for their precious angels!

And to pops, I celebrate you. Forever in our hearts, remembered and cherished!!


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