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Happy New Year!

It's the beginning of a brand new year, the beginning of a life somewhere, start of a marriage elsewhere, but in your existence, it's a continuation of your life. A life that you so much deserve and in dire need to improve. The year just gives you another brand opportunity to keep being you, keep advancing, keep achieving and keep moving ahead, one step at a time.

This chance, to see another dawn, not all have had it. You are one lucky son/daughter of man! All parts of you are intact. Your breath being the most important factor - be grateful! With the arrival of this much awaited year comes opportunities around you, around me. Some hidden, some clear and very conspicuous. Seize them! Be the eagle with the sharpest eyesight, be the gazelle with the fastest move, be the employee with impeccable performance, be the student with good grades. Amaze the audience, amaze yourself, go beyond, look further, have that fire in your belly!

Decide that you no longer do ordinary, you do extraordinary. Decide that you no longer postpone, you act. Decide that you no longer waste yourself, you mould yourself. Decide that you no longer drink from wells that don't quench your thirst, move to better areas. Decide that you no longer need 'mass' approval, you know what's in you. Decide that you no longer sweat over networks, friendships and  relationships that draw you backwards, seek powerful connections. Decide and do!

Cheers to a new year! To a new you? Not really, perhaps to a more experienced you! Go forth and make 2016 happen!


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