From this day forward, I am getting rid of all toxic relationships; be it friends, family, relatives, acquaintances or colleagues. I can no longer entertain people or situations that do not push me towards being a better person. I'm deciding to surround myself only with people that bring out the best in me. Negative energy will have no room on my path.
From this day forward, I realize that I have some memories to make. I have some dreams to fulfill. These dreams may seem senseless and somewhat crazy to some, but they are my dreams. I'll stop at nothing and for no one to see that they are accomplished. In short, the rest of my life, will now be the best of my life.
From this day forward, for the first time in a long time, I am going to stop putting everybody else's feelings and priorities ahead of my own. I am determined to wake up with peace in my spirit, and love and happiness in my heart. I'm aware that my cup runneth over; it overflows! What i choose to do with the overflow is up to me but whatever is inside the cup is mine.
From this day forward, I realize that I'm on a complicated self-discovery journey and unfortunately everyone can't go with me on this journey. I'll have some who will encourage me to keep walking, some will walk with me through it all while some will watch from a distance and hope I don't progress. But will i have control over this? No. I will keep my head high, take a step at a time, maybe stall at some point but will in no stage give up.
On this day, at least I have started my transformation process. And I am in no hurry to figure out who I need or what I need because I am now living and figuring things out at my own pace; not rushed by the society, not rushed by my surroundings. I'm also aware that these plans can only come to pass when I involve a Higher Power. Jesus is my higher power!
From this day....
That's a great piece of art there. Your enthusiasm is very admirable (and infectious too) and nothing should stop you from pursuing your endeavors.You deserve the best out of life girl, now go for it.