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Chit Chat

​"So how was work today? Any good stories you wanna share with me that made it an epic day?"

"Aah...twas just a normal day, nothing special happened, really."
"I still want to know about it either way. Exciting, lame, relaxed...whatever it is, I'm all ears." 
"Really now?? Are you always this concerned about every other person's welfare like yo​u are​ with mine?" 

"Yes I am. It's not just you that I deeply care about. I also care for others and ask them about their days just as I'm asking you now. So..what was it today? ​ I want details.​" 
​​"O​kay, okay....​ If you insist. This week has probably been the most unproductive weeks of all weeks!! But it was kinda expected, wait...can I use 'kinda' with you? Do I sound like a naive millennial? No? You're okay with it?...​ Where were we? 

​​You know we had a second election, right? Yeah. The air was just filled with some kind of tension and I'd feel it too, as much I was not directly involved. The whole ordeal, however, affected businesses and ours happened to be among these. Okay, I guess most businesses felt the effects because that state of unrest meant that most had to close shop from fear of altercations between the police and protesters which always resulted in chaos. Do you want to know what positive thing came out of this though? ..M​mmh...should I just tell you or it'll make me sound unserious??" 

"Take it away....." 

"We had a holiday!!! Yaaay!!!" 

"Really? How'​s that positive?" 

"You'd have to be me to understand this but let me lay it all out like this. Now...Monday through to Saturday is a literal marathon. The activities of the days consume you and leave you drained, tired and most times depressed but not the 'I want to die now' depressed version. The one that's experienced is the 'Why I'm I not rich like Oprah and living life easy' kind. There's so much to do; clients to answer to, sales to close, orders to send, texts to answer; from prospect clients and suitors too (those ones throw themselves in there too), deals to close, rent to pay, family to call and be there for, side hustles to look into,'s a lot! ....can I also add that you need to look good while doing all this?? People seem to think that you've got it all figured out because most of the times they see you walking around you seem relaxed, unbothered and complete. You flip your hair calmly and give them that 'what is life pressure again??' look. 'Girrrl, I've got all of it handled!!!!' Deep down, you know too well that Adolf Hitler is currently in his secret chambers drafting a billion-dollar plan to invade Poland with his recently trained troops, fully armed to re-enact ​W​orld ​War II in your life. His plan is to approach the target from the North (read, th​e​ brain of the girlchild) and shake things up like a burukenge! 

Ooh my!! I'm I talking too much? People say I talk too much, sorry. But you now see why an impromptu holiday like that is needed?? You know how sometimes things just......Ooh Looord..I just spoke too much again!!! What is wrong with me??" 

"Hahaha, you're funny! But I get why you'd be excited about the holiday. ​Now I'm​ lost - we were talking about your day but now we're on World War II." 

"Forgive me please! ​D​igression will be the end of me!! Where were we? Unproductive week? Yes? So after resuming daily work routine business hasn't been okay. Quotation to Sales conversion rate has been low, meetings not productive...bla bla bla...I'm sure most people bore you with yeah...that was my week." 

"Do you wanna know what I think about your week?" 

"Uumm​, I guess​?" 

"You had a perfect week!" 

"How so?" 

"Keenly listening to your Hitler story, I've not heard any part where the trained soldiers actually dived into the battle and attacked you. I've not heard you complain about your health, you've been perfectly fine and handled all the obstacles that you've encountered like a Queen. I've not heard you mention anything about crying it out since I know you to be​ a​ master cry baby...​seems things weren't as thick as they've been before.​Nothing tragic happened!​ You, my dear,​ are doing great!" 

"Wo​w, see how I was just dwelling on the negatives? That's in our nature, right? Why do we become hyper-focused on the negatives rather than on the positives?" 

​"It's in human nature to concentrate more on what's not working that what is. Things on the outside, for you, human, might always look impossible and hard but you get through them eventually. But even after you conquer the issue at hand, you will tend to dwell more on the negatives that almost made you not accomplish the task. There will be much to celebrate about it but you'll often overlook that." 

​"Well, can I change that?" 

"If you want to, you can." 


"I've always told you that I knew you too well even before the idea of having you brought into this world came about. I know that you have so much need for success and as much as this isn't easy to attain, you still push yourself to get things done. Learn to take a mini-pause and re-assess the progress you've made. On paper, note down the positives and negatives. Your mind will wander towards the negatives too much but always train it to see the good in great measure. This way, you'll learn to celebrate your little triumphs, which, when you look at cumulatively, will be more that you'd thought there are!" 

"Mmmm, that's really nice! I feel encouraged hearing that!" 

"I need you to always feel encouraged! I need you to always feel good about yourself. I need you to always approach life with a positive mind, happy heart and unimaginable strength. I brought you into this earth to conquer it and there's no way you're gonna manage that if you constantly dwell on the nitty gritties of stuff that do not work. You don't share much with me but you know what girl, I know, I know all that you think about and I am here for you through it all. I've been here before, I'm here now and will always and forever show up for you! I gatchu! ......I'm not bragging but..... they don't call me God for nothing!" 

​"Eeeeiiish papa God, si you'd have inserted **Mic Drop** at the end​? Thank you! Always - for being there and for fighting for me. See you same time, next week?" 

"See how you want to avoid me? Next week??? Can't it be a sooner? Let's make it a routine, please?" 

"Mmmmh, well, you've got yourself a deal Sir God. Why do people call you that?? Do you like it?" 

"I'm still figuring out whether I do. They started calling my son JC and its its cray cray..." 

"Cray whaaaat???....Please stop! You're trying too hard to fit in now." 

"Okay, bye beautiful, talk soon." 



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