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It's few minutes to home time but I thought I'd vent quickly over here for a minute before I call it a day. Today's been one hail of a day. I was recently told that we're supposed to say 'hail of a day' and not 'hell of a day' so imma go with the new version starting today. I don't know how true that is but who cares?

A colleague of mine accompanied me to a site in Thika today to measure some space we're meant to supply furniture for. The company is on those deep bundu sides of Thika and the trip to the site was cool. We didn't get lost since that was my second visit to that company. Now on our way back, we got to Thika town and boarded this 14-Seater Nissan and just as it was about to get full, the Nissan just starts off on it's own. The panic! The two of us were seated at the front and we were practically screaming until the tout saved the situation. That should have been a clear indication that the journey back to Nairobi was going to be shaky, the Africa in us was already shouting at us that this was a bad omen but we brushed the thought off our minds and off we went.

The journey was smooth until we got to the highway just past Githurai. I think the engine got overheated or something of that sort because the matatu was suddenly full of smoke. The passengers all started crying our loud for the driver to was panic pon' panic! There's a short guy who managed to get off the car through the window at the back left and another followed him. I was frantically trying to open the door when the driver calmly stopped the car on the highway and charged us out. Having never experienced such an experience, my heart was beating so fast I thought the matatu was gonna explode in flames! Anyway, long story short, we all got out of the Nissan safe and sound and looking back there was a trail of water that had come out of the engine. Some, like me, with naivety on things motor-world thought that what we saw was petrol! Ha - anyway I'm glad we got back to work safe and sound.


This is in no way related to the story I just shared, although it's part of work, which has brought nothing but pressure in my life for the past few weeks. There's no migraine so sudden and recurrent like that of a Sales Person. Sales is so freakin' hard manze. There are weeks you're rich and happy and then there are weeks that your boss is on your case to close deals! The latter always drives you into some kind of depression especially when there are no sales coming your way. Sometimes I console myself by saying this is the life I chose coz I went into marketing back in Uni .....BUT then again...this isn't the pressure I'd have wanted what I chose to come with. Other than this pressure, there's also other pressures of life!!!! 25 is proving to be my worst youth year yet! After how long does one just chill and things flow with no extra pressure????? I am just so tired of lots of things....

Writing them here. Venting on here....writing something...feels liberating! 

Ok, it's home time. 

Cheers to taking on these pressures of life like the Wakandans that we are!


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