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Showing posts from November, 2018

I'm gonna miss you...

You know what? I remember it like it was yesterday. 😍 ❤️ Yes, yesterday because yesterday, like today, is quite fresh in my mind. I got up early that Saturday morning with a deep need for change. I'd been planning in my head how I'd move from a hostel to a SQ but every time I tried to put plans into action, I either lacked the morale to take the first step or just didn't have enough money to do it. This fine, bright sunny Saturday morning things seemed different. I woke up refreshed. I woke up feeling good about life. I woke up feeling like Oprah had been giving me a pep talk in a dream I'd had on Friday night. I woke up ready to take on the world with courage, courage that may be equated to governor Sonko's attempt to spit some 'Kenyarra' & 'Nairobi Cirry' vibes at the almost concluded Blue Economy Conference. "That first step? I am going to take it today. Best believe it!" I said out loud, to myself. * Line Saba w...

Happy Girl!

I am a happy girl today - I have been for a while now! Here's why: 💪 You see how people say "From my mouth to God's ears", that could never have been me for sometime! I felt for a long time that things I said, prayers I directed to Him, all just went unanswered. I felt like he didn't care at all, plus also the famous phrase, 'He has three answers - Yes, No, Wait.' weren't doing anything for me. I was just always getting a resounding No. Every time I tried talking to Him, I'd picture that this was how our conversation went: Me: Dear God, I'm just so tired of putting in work where I'm not appreciated for my input. Please open a door for me?! 😭 😭  God: Nah, not you 🚫 . What else you gat? 🤔 🤔  Me: But I called you DEAR!!! I don't call people that! 😞 😲 ...Okay, Please go ahead of me and especially send favor my way in that appraisal meeting kesho God: Ooooooh wait, didn't I tell you that the company is proba...

Speak Up?!...

'Can you all hear what she is saying?" "Noooo!" the class retorted, jokingly.  "My assumption is that you have all thoroughly done your research, prepared well and now ready to convey to us - your audience - a well thought our presentation, right?" All three of us gave a synchronized nod in response to the Lecturer's remark. "Good. Now, speak up!" ******************   There's introverts - cool, calm, collected and then there's extroverts - the opposites of all that. I read on the internet(s) that you can be both, but one will somehow  override the other.  On the extreme, I'm extroverted - I'm as lively as they come. Right now I can say that I am socially confident but I cannot say the same for my years pre-campus. A former colleague once told me that I'm unapproachable. "Who? Me? How now? Are you for real-z?" I asked her with my big eyes wide open in disbelief.  I took to Google to find out...