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I'm gonna miss you...

You know what? I remember it like it was yesterday. 😍❤️

Yes, yesterday because yesterday, like today, is quite fresh in my mind. I got up early that Saturday morning with a deep need for change. I'd been planning in my head how I'd move from a hostel to a SQ but every time I tried to put plans into action, I either lacked the morale to take the first step or just didn't have enough money to do it. This fine, bright sunny Saturday morning things seemed different. I woke up refreshed. I woke up feeling good about life. I woke up feeling like Oprah had been giving me a pep talk in a dream I'd had on Friday night. I woke up ready to take on the world with courage, courage that may be equated to governor Sonko's attempt to spit some 'Kenyarra' & 'Nairobi Cirry' vibes at the almost concluded Blue Economy Conference. "That first step? I am going to take it today. Best believe it!" I said out loud, to myself.

Line Saba was the destination. I'd heard great reviews about the place and I knew that there, I'd make good use of the small amounts I'd saved. So off I went, walking along the railway line like Naomi Campbell - making that thing my runway. That was the day I decided to take procrastination by it's horns, like "Hey that what your friends call you? Procray-cray? is the day you die a silent death - just you wait and see!!" I got to my destination and got down to business - looking, asking, bargaining, looking again, trying and then trying again then YOU happened.🤭😲🤭😵😍

I saw you and my heart skipped a bit. Things like that rarely happened to my heart but I'd heard stories of love at fist sight but me I don't believe in that thing manze but what happened made me feel some kinda way. I was just passing by doing stuff I'd not even planned I'd do, like trying on 10 blouses & 3 pairs of jeans then telling the vendor "Aki sijapata yenye imenibamba..pole." 😀🤣🤣 When I saw you, my feet felt weak but you didn't see that coz you were already talking to someone else. I got totally distracted by you, I didn't hear that crazy mzigo guy say "Madam toka kwa njia ama nipite na wewe! Nugu!" 🤭😲😲🤣

After moving out of harms way, I leaned on another kibanda that looked like an extended shoe-rack in search of a perfect angle in which I'd look at you without anyone or anything obstructing my beautiful view. I was blown away - the powers of the lady black pentha were stripped ewey! 🧟‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ You were engrossed into your seemingly serious conversation with that other person and I felt envy build up in me. "Wow, just wow! Must be nice to be her!" She examined you, she looked at your body, your smile, your teeth... and smiled. That hurt me but i kept looking to see where this would go. From afar, I could tell that she admired you and wanted more out of that conversation. I watched all of that lovey-dovey movie before me until I decided enough was enough! 😡😡😡 I decided to come get what's mine! I wasn't going to just sit there and watch you disappear into the horizon with someone else. So I took a step closer to you.

I carefully walked, slowly, to where you were, making sure not to step on the mud, trip and fall over others. That moment right there, the walk, was to me a powerful slow motion that would get me an audition with Marvel Comics. I made sure that the other person was distracted when I flipped my braids and went all "Hey there?" on you. 🥰🥰 Your reception of my 'hey there', has never escaped my mind. You were kind, you looked me in the eyes. I gave you several compliments and you took them all with a pleasant smile. Our connection was instant and you wouldn't remember this but you kinda just suddenly stopped talking to this other person and gave me all the attention. 🥰🥰 " Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta....mission accomplished! Target down, I down for - whatever!" 😂😂😂 (That was my mind)

Things just went up from there! I've not had a love better than the one we had. You were always there for me when all else seemed lost. I'd find you waiting for me in the house to just talk - you know, open up about stuff. It's sad that yesterday night, you tripped from the cabinet you call your bed and fell down. I tried to catch you mid-air, but it was too late. Looking down at you, I could not stop myself from feeling lost - like, who do you want to replace you? Our attachment cannot be matched.I know you know that. There's just a way you held onto my ugali that I refuse to think someone else would hold it, I feel like you didn't even give me time to tell you all the plans I had for you, for me, for us!

I guess this is goodbye? I will miss you, my broken Plate. 🥰 


  1. All along I thought you were writing about someone 🤦🏾‍♂


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