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1. The year is 1993. Kid so small, soft & sassy everybody probably wanted to carry me at this point but I was always like... "Naah, Nebuchadnezzar Oludhe, talk to my mama first! I don't roll like that...Chill...πŸ§πŸ™„πŸ˜ˆ..." Kid is less than a year old but kitambi already showing like WOTAHELL?? πŸ€£πŸ‘¨‍🎀 I wonder what those people were feeding me. Kid looking like Tinky-Winky the telly-tubby. Who even does that to their own child? God's child in fact! πŸ€”πŸ₯΅πŸ€Ÿ Photo-man said 'abujubuju...gimme smile Toto' and kid was like "YUP, I just pooped a gudu one but let's keep thing moving...mama needs family portraits!🀸‍♀️🀸‍♀️"

2. The year is a number I've forgotten but it's somewhere on the calendar, teenage years. Christmas Day! Schools closed kids taken to reserf for the holz az-in holidayzz. Holiday with a Z, sound cool with that, yes? 🀩🀣 Baby girl has on her best dress - she'd almost slept with it on but mama's eyes said "DON'T provoke me, nyako!" so she didn't. Only things running through my beautifully structured mind is left-over food, and nothing else I swear.

3. The year is 2007. One of the most trying years of a gaochaod's rife. Hii shure watu marikua manakura mushere kira siku. Gumutu gulikuwa gunapanganga line ya kuenda PE - private school shenanigansπŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄, lakini ikafikeko siku moja gutoto gwa Lenana Slums makafukuzwa makaabiwo manaona machetani, B.O.G/P.T.A makasema wao manafaa kueda home - for Good. Hennywayz, despite trials & tribulations, this child still made it through it manze...maisha ilikuwa inakam na mastrikes kama za Harry Kane kwa game ya jana πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ’₯⚽️, lakini mimi naniiiii???? De Gea pale...Block! Block! Block! 90 minutes zikaisha mrembo aka make it to the next level. Hapo ndio nilijua Jimmy Gait hakutudanganya aliposema "Make or make it."

4. The year is 2010. Mtoto anadimbua mkate kudimbua! 🀣🀣🀣🀣 mkate full ka mbili per day! Msupa anakula githeri round kadhaa utadhani amepewa tender ya ku-chew githeri High School πŸ€ͺπŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ—£. Msupa ako holiday hakuna kucheza na kusoma na kukula tu. Hapa hata sikuwa najua gym ni nini. Haribu jina jenga mwili...Alaaar!!!! Zagadat! πŸ€™πŸ––

5. The year is 2011 - ish. High school ashamaliza. Attitude iko hukooooo Timbuktu. Siste hashikiki, tuhaga tumemea sasa watu hawapumui 🀣🀣🀣🀣...attention ndio hiyo, girlfriends ndio hao kuchochana kwa hostel HHFL, kanywele ndio hako kamekwom na ubaya - ndio hao machali wanajaza simu na "Xema Xwirrrrrry Ule Mhot wa akina Baros?"...Mresh saizo ni "I miss yew tew" ndio zake. πŸ˜„πŸ€£πŸ€ͺ I'm glad I outgrew this stage of my life why lie!

6. The year(s) is 2012 to 2016/7/8. Picha ya hii haiko hapo, mdaku wewe 🀣🀣🀣. This was when a gal was going through transition. A gal developed. A gal approached the god of many faces at the Free City of Braavos and came back taught! A gal was Mercy, of House Stark. 🀺🀺🀺 

7. The year is 2019. A girl is Khaleesi. The Bantu Dragon. A girl now files tax returns yo! A gal complains when a makanga pretends that they are looking for change while in real sense they want her to forget the cash-money! - HAIWEZIII..🀣. A girl is hustling through life with a smile & step at a time. A girl is the life of the party. A gal toto is ouchea 🀣🀣..Oucheea looking to try out sky-diving in the near future. Who'd have thought? πŸ₯ΆπŸ€ͺ Food's her bestie still. Forever have, forever will. For shizzle, my nizzle! πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ 

Peace out! xx

HAPPY 2019!


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