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Current Favorite!

Every time I listen to this song my hope for life gets renewed. There's so much happening around the world right now and in our lives that maintaining and keeping faith and hope alive becomes a little bit  hard. Covid-19 has brought about death, loss of jobs, cessation of movement and a complete turn around from what we previously knew as our normal to a new normal that's full of worry, depression, uncertainty and grief, just to name but a few. Some days are good and bearable but others aren't. The choice we have left, among them giving up, is to stay grinding and hoping that tomorrow there's be a new dawn. 

I believe in a higher power. I believe that there's a God somewhere who knows and has bigger plans for us in this and the next life. That's why this song encourages me sana & has been a favorite lately.

Faithful through the ages,God of Abraham,
You're the God of covenant, And of faithful promises,
Time and time again, You have proven,
You’ll do just what you said.

Though the storms may come and the winds may blow,
I’ll remain steadfast, And let my heart learn, when you speak a word,
It will come to pass,

Great is your faithfulness to me x 2,
From the rising sun to the setting same, I will praise your name
Great is your faithfulness to me, When the seasons change
You remain the same, Your faithfulness, it never runs out!

I'll still bless you,
In the middle of my storms, in the middle of my trials, 
I'll still bless you
In the middle of the road when I don't know where to go
I'll still bless you 💖

We don't really know how things are gonna turn out eventually but I believe that we shall all get through this. There have been pandemics in the past and people survived. I want to stick to my hope that we shall too and live to tell the tales of social distancing!

The full song is 'Promises by Maverick City Music featuring Joe L Barnes & Naomi Raine'. 


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