Here's the thing about the man up above. The silent prayers you occasionally make that only you know, that one thing only YOU know you need a breakthrough in, even before it becomes a thought in your mind, he knows it and always goes ahead of you to start working on it - on your behalf. The battles you fight on your own, that no one knows anything about - he's in there with you and all he needs you to do each day is gather your strength and approach each day with faith. HE knows!! Life's gonna come with hurdles and mountains that we'll have to climb day in, day out. Some days we'll be happiest, some days we'll not. Good thing is, you have a past, including yesterday that probably had the most hurdles, those you thought you couldn't handle - but aren't you here today? Alive and healthy? Why do you think that is? He 👏knows!
He hasn't brought you this far to leave you. He hasn't invested this much on you to now say, "well, you're on your own now!" He keeps on getting better, is consistent in his promise, keeps on doing better for you and wants you to not doubt his presence in your life - EVER! He wants you to not worry about stuff but as is human nature, worrying is is like a daily mantra. We're worried about the next moment, the next job, our next source of income, etc but know this; anajua unaworry hata kama humsho. Ye already anajua stuff zinafanya ukose usingizi. ANAJUA!
Hapa mahali uko sai kwa life ndio place ye alisema utakuwa as at this point. Usijicompare na wasee wako mbele yako unadoubt ability zako kila siku. Hii point uko kuna msee anawish angekuwa. Yes, dream big, wake up and go make those dreams come to reality but appreciate where you are now and what you have NOW. Sai you have the greatest gift in the world, GOOD HEALTH. There's nothing in this life that beats good health. The fact that all your limbs and body parts are working as they should is miracle enough to show you that huyu msee kuna venye uko in his favorite books. Bora sai amekupea ability ya ku acquire the basic stuff on that Maslow's hierarchy of needs, uko tu sawa bro. Haulali njaa. You have a roof over your head & you're fully clothed. Kaa ukijua anajua ... and better days are yet to come!
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