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I'm just now done clearing my desk and putting all my work stuff in order, safely in boxes, deleted some folders I feel have become redundant, in preparations for the Christmas holiday that is finally here with us. While doing this I just thought of how happy packing to go for this particular holiday used to make me feel. The excitement isn't as intense now as it used to be when I was a child, with parents who back then took the burden of ensuring that we had a good time. We are now the parents! We now gotta worry about everyone else and ensure they get Christmas memories worth holding onto. Who'd have thought this would happen? Too soon perhaps? Growing up is a scam, right?!

The Pandemic year! 

YOOO! This has been a year an a half! Not only has it been confusing, it's brought with it loss, grief, sadness, you name it! It's just been one hell of a funky year that started well, got worse, then now ends with uncertainty still lingering in the air. The menace is still here with us and we have no clue when complete normalcy will return. We have adopted a different way of life and if we were to one day get awards for hands most washed, this would be the year! Let's not even talk about masks because waaah πŸ˜–...we is tayaad!

Anyway, I just thought I'd put up this last post for the year and while writing this I can't help but feel hella grateful for life. I've been healthy all year long, haven't slept hungry, had a roof over my head the whole time, people I love are doing great, still had a job all year, I am grateful. I'm not in any way special and didn't deserve this grace God showed me. I feel so blessed manze. He showed up for me big time and I am ending the year with a full heart & so much expectations for the new year! 

Here's to happiness, love, good health and laughter! 🍸🍷🍹


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