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Allow me to do two things today.

First, I'd like to wish you, my dear reader a happy new year! Have you already taken in the fact that despite the mess that was 2020, you still made it to 2021?! Crazy, right? We're a month into the year so we should probably start with normal greetings as opposed to 'Heey pal, happy new year!!' but I had to do it for the blog (1st post of the year tingz! 💥💪). How are you? No, really, how are you? Pandemic and all. I really do hope that things are fairing on okay with you and yours, but if not, don't you worry, God's got it under control and soon, soon my friend, you're gonna be more than good! 

Second thing, allow me to reintroduce my hustle; a hustle I love and enjoy doing. Before I do that though, I'd like to tell you how it started, how it's been going and what it's been like over the years. Kitenge World by Kangsy started off in 2014 when I was in 2nd year. The initial name was Kitenge Bracelets by Kangsy. I wrote about it in 2016, just after graduation. From the post (CLICK HERE), I shared how it came to be. Read that, then come see the re-introduction.

Kitenge World by Kangsy (KWK), formerly Kitenge Bracelets by Kangsy is an apparel and accessories online business that sells to women and men of all ages. Some of the products we sell include but are not limited to kitenge fabric, bracelets, handbags, maasai sandals, necklaces and kiondos. Our goal is to be the most popular kitenge apparel shop within Nairobi city, it's environs and worldwide too. We have shared an array of images of these products on our social media pages; Instagram - (KWK Instagram) and Facebook - (KWK Facebook) and would be glad to have you visit either of these pages, you might see something that you'd like to possess! Our dream is to one day have a walk-in shop/stall where our clients can come and interact with us but in the meantime we accept orders via calls/texts/WhatsApp through (+245 708404511) and email (

Our clientele is not limited to Nairobi alone, we have made sales to clients in other towns, namely Mombasa, Nakuru and Kisumu. We have also, in the recent past, used one very reliable courier service; DHL, to make international deliveries. The process was seamless and in alignment with one of our customer service goals; to reduce customer wait time, and so we continue to involve them in our processes. Our usual operating hours are 8am-5pm EAT, Monday to Friday and 9am - 12noon on Saturdays. Deliveries are made twice a week (Thursdays and Fridays) and are free to the CBD, Nairobi. Costs for deliveries outside Nairobi are added to the customer's outstanding bill.

We look forward to making you and your wardrobe shine bright, like a diamond!
How it's been going and what it's been like over the years:
Just like any other business out there, I've encountered several hiccups and blessings in equal measure. I for one experienced a whole year of creative block in 2019 when I took time to focus on myself. My life was all over the place in '18 and so I made a decision to pause and do some stuff that would bring the 'creativity' mojo back. I did a lot of adventuring in 2019 and while I was doing that I kept telling myself that if the year ended while the kitenge biz idea was still buzzing on my mind, I'd pick it up again. The buzz wasn't loud enough at the end of 2019 but got louder at the start of 2020 - but then the Panasonic happened! 😒😂

I needed a lot of business mentoring that I didn't seek as well. I went into it fwaaaa like the inexperienced young girl that I was. I don't have much experience now but having the knowledge I have now, I don't think I will get into the same business problems I got into then. I now know that seeking help and direction from those who've gone ahead of me is key for growth, being consistent even when there aren't any sales, keeping the faith that it shall all work out in the end, consistently benchmarking from industry pioneers and keep moving.

The buzz is louder now and I intend to get the river flowing from where I left it off. It being a business is the least of the reasons I'm continuing, it's a passion ...and so the journey continues, or better yet... the marathon continues! I'm counting on your support! :) ;)


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