Happy Anniversary Baby!
30.04.2022 | 30.04.2023
One Year!
Happy Anniversary my King!
Exactly a year ago today, we stood on the lush green grass of the skillfully mowed lawns of Fred’s Ranch, Isinya - dreamingly, lovingly & longingly gazing into each other’s eyes and read out loud our vows before our families & friends. Verbatim, I vowed that;
“Where you stay, I will stay. Where you go, I will go. Your people shall be my people. Your home shall be my home and your God, my God.”

For one year, I have gone where you’ve lead us. It made perfect sense that we are both adventurous. Oh, the places we’ve gone! The people we’ve met! The memories we’ve made! Baby, can I get just a ‘lil bit more?
For one year, our people have blended into each other like vanilla and strawberry. Our community has held us accountable and gave us space to show up, just the way we are! Your people, without a shred of doubt, are now mine as well.
For one year, Sangorota’s K’Opiyo village has not only become my home but also our adventure ground with more gems yet to be discovered. What do we say when someone asks us if we want to tour the world, locally and internationally? We were born ready!! Don’t try us, we will show up at 6.00am
Together we founded Stellar Girls Kenya
, a dream we once thought elusive! Educating, elevating and empowering the next generation into their stellar selves is in our bloodstream. Let's keep soaring!
We continue to actively channel our entrepreneurial, marketing & procurement skills and energies to Kitenge World by Kangsy , consistently soldiering on. Safari baaado mpenzi wangu
In our seeking to be better for each other and for the universe, there came challenges as well. We fumbled while solving some and reached out for help when some attempted to consume us. Sickness humbled us….but we pulled through it all. Those long nights of incessant, persistent fever and Pneumonia nights …. wuueh, Mungu ni naaani!
Above all mentioned and of utmost importance to the sustenance, growth and progression of our marriage, our family, we have kept the Faith! Jaherana, Nyasachwa ni osetimonwa ng’wono!! Girwani orieye bade!
Our faith, reverence, allegiance and hope in our God has and will continue to remain unshakeable, unquestionable, irreversible, irrevocable and unstoppable. Your God he been and will always be my God.
Bila yeye ingekuwa ngori.
I Love You. Oh boooy, do I love you!!
Thank you for the happiest year of my life, hands down!
On to the next, shall we?
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