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...where hope is renewed, dreams are restored and dignity is upheld.

I watched from close proximity as one teenage girl teased another who looked about 6 months pregnant. “That baby needs to come out now, so that he or she can dance and enjoy some music! Yes, we will teach him or her how to dance.” They both laughed and admired the growing belly.

I couldn’t help but smile as I watched them. Maybe this would have been a totally different scenario if Wings of Hope Rescue Centre had not stepped in and made the bold step to take in these beautiful girls. They house them, feed them and take them to school to secure a stable future for themselves and their babies.

Stellar Girls Kenya mentors braved through a hot Sunday morning on 12th February 2023 to travel to Ruai to spend the day with the teenage mums. Amid the bonding and stories from CBD town and in the bus, we were full of anticipation of what the day held. We were ready and excited to meet the Wings of Hope family. It was going to be a great day, we could already tell even before we got there. We were looking forward to meeting members of Cherished Smiles Foundation who had organized the visit and had been gracious enough to let us join them in this noble service.

We arrived as the Wings of Hope Family were having their Sunday service, and we immediately got busy preparing lunch for everyone. The teamwork from Stellar mentors was admirable! Nobody waited to be given any instructions as we were all ready to cook, clean, serve, play with the children and be of service wherever we were called. The zeal and enthusiasm came naturally and with joy.

Cherished Smiles Foundation team arrived soon after, followed by Do Good Society who graciously and energetically engaged the group in various games and competitions. The noise and laughter that filled the home was enough testament of the love that each individual had brought with them that sunny day, in addition to the gifts we had generously contributed to elevate the girls and support them through school and also at the centre.

It was a great honour for us to share the day with the young mums. Their stories which at the beginning may have looked like a derailment to their goals and dreams, were in fact the birth of a new life and a beautiful journey. By coming together and supporting them and showing up for them, that in itself renewed hope that was probably flickering.

We appreciate all the generous support in making this visit a success. May God abundantly bless each and every individual who contributed in making the visit a success. As we wait, in anticipation, for more of Stellar Girls Kenya initiatives and activities, we thank the management of Wings of Hope for accepting our request to visit them and we hope to have more sessions with them in the near future.

As we journey through life, let us not forget to look behind us and around us, and extend a hand of Grace to those who may need it.

Here's a short VIDEO posted on our YouTube channel showing what we were up to on this great day! 


(Post written by Joan Gichomo, Vice Chairperson, Stellar Girls Kenya)


  1. I love this. Stellar Girls to the world. What a noble act .


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